Monday, January 11, 2010

I love. I hate.

Just in case you were wondering...

I love:

-reading other people's blogs
-acoustic versions of songs that I already love
-Willamette Valley Riesling/Oregon Blossom
-being surprised
-getting mail
-Jim Halpert
-cute product packaging
-being crafty and doing small art projects
-talking for hours on the phone with someone without awkward silences
-getting my hair cut
-white chocolate mochas
-inspirational/love quotes
-speaking Spanish
-fresh pineapple
-everything about weddings
-decorating on a low budget
-sleeping in
-peacock feathers
-basset hounds
-down comforters
-Tilamook cheese
-my future husband who has yet to walk into my life
-freshly laundered bedding
-when my house smells good
-chick flicks
-newborn babies
-rain in the summer
-Jordan almonds
-cooking delicious and of course unhealthy food
-big purses that carry everything I need
-buying gifts for other people
-my mac
-really long, strong hugs
-water bottles
-making lists
-games (board, card, strategy, etc.)
-buying t-shirt to support good causes
-watching movies while laying in bed
-my mole on my cheek
-throw blankets
-reading self-help books
-getting a big paycheck and knowing the I earned all of it myself
-flip flops
-that I'm going to living in Australia in a month

I hate:

-unloading the dishwasher
-wet socks
-being so accident/illness prone
-having sticky skin
-self-centered people
-weak handshakes
-being interrupted (though I know I interrupt a lot)
-watching what I eat
-being cold
-slow walkers/drivers
-canned pineapple
-when people chew with their mouth open
-being in class longer than an hour
-when artists try to cover an already perfect song
-what Christmas trees do to my nose
-guys who control their girlfriends
-canker sores
-going out of the house without a shower
-painting my own nails
-being wrong
-anything with wings (including butterflies!)
-rude people
-washing my face before I go to bed
-when I lose my train of thought
-when people don't tell the whole truth and think that it's not lying
-that I can't seem to quit biting my poor nails

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