Sunday, February 14, 2010

The first most.... horrible, fun, painful, exciting, exhausting, wonderful, tear jerking... days.

Okay, so let's start with the flights. We (as in Katie, who goes to OSU as well) flew on a plane from Portland to San Fransisco, where our connection was. It was the tiniest, scariest plane and it was such a crazy bumpy ride. Luckily, it was only an hour and fifteen minutes. So we get to the San Fran airport and we had some stuff to figure out... but don't worry, we had 8 HOURS until our flight left... so we got everything figured out. We spent our time eating and I watched the episodes of The Bachelor, The Biggest Loser, and Lost that I deprived myself of that week. It went by quicker than I imagined it would, though the anticipation was killing me. Our flight finally started boarding at 10:05 p.m. and we stepped onto the biggest plane I've ever seen (except in movies) or been on. We got situated, took off, and fell asleep an hour or so into the flight... consequently missing dinner. So we were starving for quite sometime until they brought some snack packs by. I slept in about 30-45 minute increments probably about 6 or 7 times. So if you can do the math... it wasn't very much sleep, and broken sleep is even worse. I thought I knew how long 15 hours felt like... turns out I had no idea how long that actually was. I remember waking up and feeling like we should be well past half way, only to find out that we had barely made it 1/3 of the way. It took a lot of patience and some distractions to make it through but let me tell you... nothing is better than waking up, opening the window, and seeing this...

I know right?! Gorgeous. I couldn't fall back asleep after I saw that. We flew over Sydney about two and a half hours after this and it was crazy. This place that they call Australia, is in fact real. It's not some pretend place that we just talk about... I saw it. Opera House and everything. Here, I'll show you what I saw from the plane...

You have no idea how exciting this was to see. It's like I've been waiting for this to happen for so long. And it's right there, I can see it, and I'm SO close.

So we got off the plane, went through customs/immigration/etc and found our group. Then we went outside. BIG MISTAKE. I think people on the east coast think they know what humidity is but I've got news for them. When its 100
degrees and the highest possible humidity and you're in a place that has virtually no ozone... you feel like you could just pass out on the side walk and die. I considered doing this but tried to push through. I did get a nice wake-me-up kick in the butt (almost literally) from our bus driver who let go of my 70 lb bag that slammed into my leg scraping and bruising me pretty badly. But... no worries, mate. Can I just say I probably hear "No worries." or "No worries, mate." approximately 30 times a day. It's apparently the cool thing to say and also a substitute for you're welcome.

We get to our apartment complex and I am given the keys to my place. I walk in and basically just burst into tears. It is absolutely trashed. And although I know I am quite the exaggerator, I kid you not, this is the most disgusting and smelly place I'd ever seen. I'm talking rotting food everywhere, flies,
maggots, trash, used... personal items, piled dishes, and everything else awful you can think of. Turns out... they never cleaned it out after the summer residents. I was pretty mad but didn't want it to ruin my first day. As of today, I have a clean apartment so much has improved in that category. I'll post photos of my room in my next blog entry.

We decided to walk to the mall which we thought was a ten minute walk. Well, it's not. It's more like 30 minutes. I know that's not long but again, 100 degree weather and that humidity makes it feel like hours. So we do some shopping, oh by the way everything here is so
ridiculously priced. The US$ and the AUD$ are close to being equal so it does not make up for it. For example, one towel, $40. My $5 face wash from home... $17. Movie tickets...$18. Let's just say I am NOT regretting stuffing my two giant suitcases so full that they barely qualified to make it on the plane. Anyways... at this point my strep throat thing (which I didn't mention before but I was pretty sure and still kind of am sure that I have strep considering I get it often, know what it's like, and have some nice pustules in the back of my throat) is killing me. I can't even swallow my own saliva. I am so incredibly dehydrated and exhausted that I get the worse migraine I've ever had in my life. I tried to tough it out... but I honestly couldn't see straight anymore. My vision was blurry and I couldn't walk straight. I lost it. I could not stop crying. I ripped open the toilet paper I bought and bawled my eyes out. A guy came up to me and allegedly asked "Are you okay?" but all I could hear over and over was "Are you cut?" Katie ran all around asking everyone she saw to try to figure out what we could do. We ended up taking a taxi home, I took some migraine medicine, and napped. It took the migraine away but not the throat stuff. I managed to make it through the rest of the evening... and I also managed to blow up my hair dryer. It literally caught on fire when I plugged it in. I learned the hard way that most US hair dryers can't handle 240 volts. At least it wasn't my lap top! Which I did bravely plug in today (two days after the hair dryer incident) and it worked! I went to bed at 9:00, because in Oregon time it was really 2 in the morning.

So day two... I barely slept the night before because I kept waking up in pain. Katie and I went to get some groceries and some other stuff and I loaded up on
popsicles and yogurt. I'm super thankful I did that because that's all I ate for the next 24 hours. But, unfortunately for me... I wasn't eating enough and apparently taking too much ibuprofen for how little I was eating, so I spent my sleepless night vomiting every hour or so. And let me just tell you how good stomach acid feels on a sore throat!

So I took a shower and decided to be up for the day, which just happens to be today, and it is also Valentines Day. Which took me awhile to realize and I think I might have cared for about 3 seconds and quickly got over it. So today... today was good. I miraculously started feeling a little better. Still got the pus going on, still taking the IB, but I am eating solids, and enjoying myself. I got an awesome Aussie roommate today names Heidi and I really like her a lot. I'm getting to know some people here and I'm really looking forward to everything that is to come. I'm learning to adjust and realizing (Which they would spell "realising") that not everyday is going to be wonderful. You've got to take the bad with the good. But I'm thinking there's going to be a lot more good going on down here than bad.



  • elevators=lifts
  • jello=jelly
  • jelly=jam
  • they don't do peanut butter and jelly here... they think it's a gross combo?!
  • granola bars= musely bars
  • diapers=nappies
  • shopping carts=trolleys
  • lines=ques as in "are you in que?"
  • Vegemite=sick nasty
  • Vegemite cheesy bite=even worse
  • for here or to go=eat in or take away (sounds like "aiden or tegway?")
  • kilojoules are about 4.19 the amount of calories... so take a calculator with you to the grocery store
  • check voltages before plugging things in
  • be careful when crossing the street... cars come from a direction you're not used to
  • don't try to get on the bus on the right side... there's no door
  • don't carry big backpacks on your back in small stores... or domino effects of shelf products are a common occurrence
  • if you look like an fool, just start talking and they'll understand... because you're American... and you don't get it

All my love from Sydney! Have a good Valentine's Day tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. KELLY!
    I absolutely adored reading this blog post! First of all, about the 15 hour plane ride: I had no idea it was that long! When I went to Nigeria it was probably around that long but it was definitely not direct so defninitely not as bad! Also, I'm very glad that you watch the Bachelor! Dont you just ADORE Tenley?! I'm sorry that you were sick the first few days and I will be praying for your healing. Humidity sucks, I had no clue that it was humid down there. Sorry about the hair drying incident...I blew one up duing my winter vacation in AZ so that was pleasant, although nothing bursted into flames...And please keep updating on things that you learn down there! I really want to go to Australia and I want to be well-versed in the language by the time I get down there! Can't wait to hear more!
